
Weak Adjectives

Page history last edited by David 14 years, 9 months ago



Adjectives employ two different sets of endings, strong and weak. These names only reflect a binary system, equivalent to Type A and Type B, respectively; the adjectives 'strong' and 'weak' have no other connotations. Whereas a given noun is either strong (inherently) or weak (inherently) but not both, a given adjective by contrast may employ either strong or weak endings as the context requires. There is thus a difference in use and connotation between strong adjectival endings and their weak counterparts. The term 'strong adjective' is generally used as a shorthand for 'adjective with strong endings'; similarly 'weak adjective' means 'adjective with weak endings'. Using this terminology, the difference in usage is the following: strong adjectives are indefinite, weak adjectives are definite.


WG uses weak adjective forms to modify a definite noun, and strong forms to modify an indefinite noun. Weak endings are generally used for nominalized adjectives. From a morphological point of view, weak adjective endings are simply n-stem endings. In this way, their use for definite reference parallels proper names in Latin, e.g. catus 'sly' vs. Catō (G. Catōnis) 'the Sly One', and in Greek, e.g. platús 'broad' vs. Plátōn 'the Broad (Shouldered) One'.




Singular Masculine Neuter Feminine
N -a -o -o
A -an -o -on
G -ins -ins -ons
D -in -in -on


Plural Masculine Neuter Feminine
N -ans -ona -ons
A -ans -ona -ons
G -ane -ane -ono
D -am -am -om




i-stem and u-stem follow the same pattern as the ja-stem.


The ja-stem adjectives decline analogously, the masculine forms following the jan-stem noun arbja, the neuter following sigljo, the feminine following arbjo. The distinctions of Group (1) and Group (2) ja-stems do not play a role in weak declension. Likewise, i-stem and u-stem adjectives follow the same weak declension as ja-stems, exhibiting the same j-augment in all forms. The adjectives niujis 'new' and wilþeis 'wild' illustrate the weak declension of ja-stems; hráins 'clean' illustrates the i-stems; hardus 'hard' illustrates the u-stems. The forms are as follows.



Singular -ja -i -u
N -ja - -
A -jan - -
G -jins - -
D -jin - -
Plural -ja -i -u
N -jans - -
A -jans - -
G -jane - -
D -jam - -



Singular -ja -i -u
N -jo - -
A -jo - -
G -jins - -
D -jin - -
Plural -ja -i -u
N -jona - -
A -jona - -
G -jane - -
D -jam - -



Singular -ja -i -u
N -jo - -
A -jon - -
G -jons - -
D -jon - -
Plural -ja -i -u
N -jons - -
A -jons - -
G -jono - -
D -jom - -





The wa-stem adjectives maintain their w-augment. The adjective triggws 'true' exhibits only the weak NOM sg. triggwa and DAT sg. triggwin. The wa-stem adjectives lasiws 'weak', kwius 'alive', fáus 'little', un-/us-skáus 'vigilant' show no weak forms.


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