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Common Phrases and Formalities

Page history last edited by David 15 years, 7 months ago

Hello, hi, hey (informal)

Good day, good afternoon, good evening (formal)

Ciao, later, adios (informal)

Good-bye, farewell (formal)

Thanks (informal)

Thank you, thank you kindly (formal)

No problem, don't mention it, anytime (informal)

You're welcome (formal)

What's up?, what's happening?, how's life? (informal)

How are you? (formal)


Hallo, hái, hei (informal)

Goþs daga, goþs middaga, goþs nahta (formal)

Tjau, afarþata, adjós (informal)

Þiuþ sái, faram- /wratm-waila (formal)

Þagks (informal)

Awiliudar þus (sg)/ awiliudum ikis (dual)/ awiliuda iswis (pl) for very formal situations.

Þagk fair + pronoun will work for semi-formal situations.

Ne/ ni þreihsl, ne kwiþadau, hwan-hun (informal)

Þu is wailkomin (formal)

Hwas niuja/ und? Hwaiwa ald? (informal)

Hwaiwa is þu? (formal)


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